Upcoming conference presentations
Kersey, J., Paul, S.S., Dowell, L., Bondar, D., Krzic, M., Smukler, S. (2022, Nov). Impact of Regenerative Management Practices on Soil Indicators for Climate Crisis Mitigation and Resiliency in the Fraser River Delta, British Columbia, Canada. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA. Oral Presentation.
Selected Presentations
Paul, S.S., Heung, B. & Lynch, D. (2022, July). Digital soil mapping for spatiotemporal modeling of active and total soil organic carbon pools. The World Congress of Soil Science 2022. Glasgow, UK. Poster Presentation. Download Poster. Download Paper.
Paul, S.S., Hasselquist, E.M., Lidberg, W., & Ågren, A.M. (2022, May). Mapping of natural and artificial channel networks in northern forested landscapes using LiDAR data to guide effective ecosystem management. EGU General Assembly 2022. Online. Oral Presentation.
Ågren, A.M., Hasselquist, E.M., Stendahl, J., Nilsson, M.B., & Paul, S. S. (2022, May). Delineating the distribution of mineral and peat soils in the northern boreal regions – Transition from discrete classification to continuous maps. EGU General Assembly 2022. Online. Oral Presentation.
Lidberg, W., Paul, S.S., Westphal, F., & Ågren, A.M. (2022, May). Mapping Sweden’s drainage ditches using deep learning and airborne laser scanning. EGU General Assembly 2022. Online. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Heung, B. & Lynch, D. (2021, Jun). Modeling total and active organic carbon dynamics using digital soil mapping. Canadian Society of Soil Science Annual Meeting. Online. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S. S., Ågren, A. M., and Lidberg, W. (2021, Apr). Detection of drainage ditches using high-resolution LIDAR data in the Swedish forest, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-2226. Online. Oral Presentation.
Lidberg, W., Larson, J., Paul, S. S., Laudon, H., and Ågren, A. (2021, Apr). Using machine learning to generate high-resolution soil wetness maps for planning forest management, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-2578. Online. Oral Presentation.
Ågren, A. M., Larson, J., Paul, S. S., Laudon, H., and Lidberg, W. (2021, Apr). Combining LIDAR-derived digital terrain indices and machine learning for high-resolution national-scale soil moisture mapping of the Swedish forest landscape., EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-909. Online. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Heung, B. & Lynch, D. (2020, Aug). Understanding the dynamics of organic and active carbon in soil using remote sensing and digital soil mapping. Canadian Progress in Digital Soil Mapping Conference. Online. Oral Presentation.
Dowell, L., Paul, S.S., & Smukler, S.M. (2019, Dec). Field and landscape scale assessment of soil organic carbon in the Lower Fraser Valley for enhanced climate change adaptation and mitigation. BC Agricultural Climate Adaptation Research Workshop. Kelowna, Canada. Poster Presentation.
Smukler, S.M., Paul, S.S., Dowell, L., & Kearney, S.P. (2019, Nov). Seeing the trees outside of the forest - Mapping soil-based ecosystem services in extremely heterogeneous agricultural landscapes using high resolution remote sensing data. 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Antonio, USA. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Dowell, L., & Smukler, S.M. (2019, Jul). Spatial assessment of land use land cover and soil organic carbon in the Lower Fraser Valley, BC using digital soil mapping and remote sensing. Annual Meeting of Canadian Society of Soil Science. Saskatoon, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S. S., Coops, N.C., Johnson, M., Krzic, M., & Smukler, S.M. (2019, Jun). Evaluating the accuracy of machine learning-based digital soil mapping models for multiple categories of environmental variables in an agricultural landscape. Pedometrics 2019 Conference. Guelph, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Dowell, L., & Smukler, S.M. (2018, Dec). Improving adaptation capacity through spatiotemporal analysis of land use land cover and soil organic carbon in the Lower Fraser Valley. BC Agricultural Climate Adaptation Research Workshop. Kamloops, Canada. Poster Presentation.
Paul, S.S., & Smukler, S.M. (2018, Oct). Field- and landscape-scale mapping of soil properties using remote sensing and digital soil mapping. University of British Columbia Soil Seminar Series, Vancouver, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Coops, N.C., & Smukler, S.M. (2018, Jun). Using remote sensing to map soil workability in an agricultural landscape for climate change adaptation in Delta, BC. 39th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Saskatoon, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Neufeld, K., & Smukler, S.M. (2017, Dec). Digital Mapping of Soil Workability to Improve Climate Change Adaptation in Delta, BC. BC Agricultural Climate Adaptation Research Workshop. Abbotsford, Canada. Poster Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Smukler, S.M., & Neufeld, K. (2017, Aug). Optimizing sample design for field-scale digital soil mapping for agro-ecological analyses. Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America. Portland, USA. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Posada, C., & Smukler, S.M. (2017, Jun). UAV Image derived visible band vegetation indices for mapping above ground biomass at field scale using machine learning. Annual Meeting of Canadian Society of Soil Science, Peterborough, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., & Leung, A., (2017, Mar). Irrigation water quality and its implication for soil management in Fraser Delta. Invited talk at the 39th Spring Workshop and AGM, Pacific Regional Society of Soil Science, Vancouver, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Neufeld, K., Krzic, M., & Smukler, S.M. (2016, Jun). Comparison of geospatial techniques for three-dimensional digital soil mapping in Delta, British Columbia. Annual Meeting of Canadian Society of Soil Science, Kamloops, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Li, J., & Smukler, S.M. (2016, Feb). Land use – land cover change & its consequences on ecosystem services: Case studies from north-eastern BC and Lower Fraser Valley. University of British Columbia Soil Seminar Series, Vancouver, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S.S., Smukler, S.M., & Neufeld, K. (2015, Dec). Assessment of various management options for mitigation and adaptation of climate change impacts in Delta, BC. Agriculture and Climate Change Adaptation Research Workshop, Kelowna, Canada. Poster Presentation.
Paul, S.S., & Li, J. (2015, Jul). Dynamics of land use and land cover change in Kiskatinaw River Watershed, Canada: A remote sensing analysis and Markov chain modeling approach. World Congress on New Technologies, Barcelona, Spain. Oral Presentation.
Saha, G. C., Li, J., Paul, S. S., & Thring, R. W. (2014, Jun). Investigation of watershed-scale surface water quality under changing land use conditions: a case study in Northern British Columbia. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, Toronto, Canada. Oral Presentation.
Paul, S. S., Hasan, K., Akhter, S. H., Li, J. (2012, Jun). Application of remote sensing and GIS analysis for investigating urbanization induced surface water body change in and around Dhaka city, Bangladesh. 12th International Environmental Specialty Conference, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Edmonton, Canada. Oral Presentation.